Command line tool


The Benchmarking Suite Command line tool can be installed with:

pip install benchsuite.cli

If the installation was successful, the benchsuite command should be in your path.


The Benchmarking Suite has a configuration folder where the providers, benchmarks and storage backends configuration files are located. If not explicitly set, the configuration folder is the located in the system default configuration folder (e.g. /home/<user>/.config in Linux). It can be customized setting the BENCHSUITE_CONFIG_FOLDER env variable.

The Benchmarking Suite stores the active benchmarking sessions data on the filesystem. By default it is located under the system default data folder (e.g. /Home/<user>/.local/share in Linux). It can be customized setting the BENCHSUITE_DATA_FOLDER env variable.

Usage and Examples

Create a new session

To create a new session, the Benchmarking Suite needs two information: the provider configuration and the service type. The command line tool offers multiple options to specify these parameters.

Provider Configuration

There are different alternatives:

  1. specify a name with the --provider option (e.g. --provider myamazon). In this case, a provider configuration file named <name>.conf will be searched in the configuration path;
  2. specify a filename in the --provider option (e.g. --provider /path/myamazon.conf). The configuration file specified will be used;
  3. store the provider configuration in the BENCHSUITE_PROVIDER environment variable.

As example, the following invocations load the same provider configuration:

$ benchsuite new-session --provider my-amazon.conf ...
$ benchsuite new-session --provider $BENCHSUITE_CONFIG_FOLDER/providers/my-amazon.conf ...
$ export BENCHSUITE_PROVIDER=```cat $BENCHSUITE_CONFIG_FOLDER/providers/my-amazon.conf```
$ benchsuite new-session ...

Service Type

The service type can be specified using the --service-type option (e.g. --service-type ubuntu_micro). The value of the service type must be one of the ones defined in the provider configuration. Alternatively the ``BENCHSUITE_SERVICE_TYPE` enviornment variable can be used.

If neither the --service-type option nor the ``BENCHSUITE_SERVICE_TYPE` enviornment variable are specified and the provider configuration defines only ONE service type, that one will be used, otherwise the invocation will fail.

Command Line Tool Documentation

This is an autogenerated documentation from the Python argparse options.

usage: benchsuite [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--config CONFIG]

Named Arguments

--verbose, -v print more information (3 levels)
--quiet, -q

suppress normal output

Default: False

--config, -c foo help



Starts an interactive shell

benchsuite shell [-h]


Creates a new benchmarking session

benchsuite new-session [-h] [--provider PROVIDER]
                       [--service-type SERVICE_TYPE] [--property PROPERTY]
                       [--user USER] [--tag TAG]
Named Arguments
--provider, -p The name for the service provider configuration or the filepath of the provider configuration file. Alternatively, the provider configuration can be specified in the environment variable BENCHSUITE_PROVIDER (the content of the variable must be the actual configuration not the filepath)
--service-type, -s
 The name of one of the service types defined in the provider configuration. Alternatively, it can be specified in the BENCHSUITE_SERVICE_TYPE environment varaible
--property, -P Add a user defined property to the session. The property must be expressed in the format <name>=<value>
--user, -u sets the “user” property. It is a shortcut for “–property user=<name>
--tag, -t sets one or more session tags. Internally, tags are stored as properties

Example: benchsuite new-session -p myamazon -s centos_tiny


Creates a new execution

benchsuite new-exec [-h] session tool workload
Positional Arguments
session a valid session id
tool a valid benchmarking tool
workload a valid benchmarking tool workload

Example: benchsuite new-exec 73cff747-d31a-488c-98f5-a70b9a77a11f filebench varmail


Executes the install scripts for an execution

benchsuite prepare-exec [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id a valid id of the execution

Example: benchsuite prepare-exec 4a5a86d4-88b6-11e7-9f96-742b62857160


Executed the cleanup script for an execution

benchsuite cleanup-exec [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id a valid id of the execution

Example: benchsuite cleanup-exec 4a5a86d4-88b6-11e7-9f96-742b62857160


Executes the execute scripts for an execution

benchsuite run-exec [-h] [--storage-config STORAGE_CONFIG] [--async] id
Positional Arguments
id a valid id of the execution
Named Arguments
--storage-config, -r
 Specify a custom location for the storage configuration file

start the execution of the scripts and return (do not wait for the execution to finish)

Default: False

Example: benchsuite run-exec 4a5a86d4-88b6-11e7-9f96-742b62857160


a help

benchsuite list-sessions [-h]


a help

benchsuite list-providers [-h]


a help

benchsuite list-benchmarks [-h]


a help

benchsuite destroy-session [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id bar help


lists the executions

benchsuite list-execs [-h]


collects the outputs of an execution

benchsuite collect-exec [-h] id
Positional Arguments
id the execution id


Execute multiple tests in a single benchmarking session

benchsuite multiexec [-h] [--provider PROVIDER] [--service-type SERVICE_TYPE]
                     [--storage-config STORAGE_CONFIG] [--property PROPERTY]
                     [--user USER] [--tag TAG] [--failonerror] [--keep-env]
                     [--max-retry MAX_RETRY]
                     tests [tests ...]
Positional Arguments
tests one or more tests in the format <tool>[:<workload>]. If workload is omitted, all workloads defined for that tool will be executed
Named Arguments
--provider, -p The name for the service provider configuration or the filepath of the provider configuration file
--service-type, -s
 The name of one of the service types defined in the provider configuration. If not specified, all service types will be used
--storage-config, -r
 Specify a custom location for the storage configuration file
--property, -P Add a user defined property to the session. The property must be expressed in the format <name>=<value>
--user, -u sets the “user” property. It is a shortcut for “–property user=<name>
--tag, -t sets one or more session tags. Internally, tags are stored as properties
--failonerror, -e

If set, exits immediately if one of the tests fail. It is false by default

Default: False

--keep-env, -k

If set, doesn’t destroy the session after the end of the tests

Default: False

--max-retry, -m
 If a test fails, retry for a maximum of max-retry times (default is 1)

Example: benchsuite multiexec -p myamazon -s centos_tiny cfd:workload1 ycsb:workloada ycsb:workloadb